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KPIs and Targets

We have established the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Targets for our Materiality and Key Focus Points.

EIZO' s Materiality Key Focus Points Related SDGs
Supporting a Recycling-Oriented Society
  • ・Advanced environmental management
  • ・Creating products that are friendly to people and the environment
  • ・Shift to materials with less impact on the environment and human body
  • 6.安全な水とトイレを世界中に
  • 7.エネルギーをみんなにそしてクリーンに
  • 12.つくる責任つかう責任
  • 14.陸の豊かさも守ろう
KPIs FY2023 Targets FY2023 Results FY2024 Targets FY2026 Targets 2030 Targets
Expanding use of halogen-free materials Use of halogen-free materials: 75% Use of halogen-free materials: 82% Use of halogen-free materials: 83% Use of halogen-free materials: 85% Use of halogen-free materials: 90%
Use of green materials (materials with low environmental impact) in products Use of recycled plastics: 70% or more(2030)
  • Investigation of high recyclability plastics and their use in new models
  • Use of recycled plastics: 19.3%
  • Use of high recycled content plastics in newly developed models
  • Use of recycled plastics: 25%
Use of recycled plastics: 45% Use of recycled plastics: 70%
No use of virgin plastics derived from fossil fuels in packaging materials Increase the use of paper material packaging
  • Changed specifications for models currently on sale
  • Paper packaging adoption rate: 21.2%
  • Use of paper packaging in newly developed models
  • Paper packaging adoption rate: 25%
Paper packaging adoption rate: 55% Paper packaging adoption rate: 80%
EIZO’s Materiality Key Focus Points Related SDGs
Respond to Climate Change
  • ・Provide products and systems that contribute to climate change action
  • ・Reducing GHG emissions throughout the product life cycle
  • ・Reducing our environmental impact in business activities
  • 7.エネルギーをみんなにそしてクリーンに
  • 11.住みつづけられるまちづくりを
  • 12.つくる責任つかう責任
  • 13.気候変動に具体的な対策を
  • 14.海の豊かさをまもろう
KPIs FY2023 Targets FY2023 Results FY2024 Targets FY2026 Targets 2030 Targets
Reduction of Scope 1+2 −40.0% (compared to FY2019) −42% (compared to FY2019) (Forecast) −58% (compared to FY2019) −61.5% (compared to FY2019) −70% (compared to FY2019)
Reduction of Scope 3
−10.0% (compared to FY2019) Expected to be achieved (Category 1 and 11) (Figures are being compiled) −12.5% (Category 1 and 11) (compared to FY2019) −17.5% (Category 1 and 11) (compared to FY2019) −27.5% (Category 1 and 11) (compared to FY2019)
Percentage of renewable energy used(Consolidated) 46% 46% (Forecast) 67% 78.8% Japan: 100%
All group companies including overseas: 92%
EIZO’s Materiality Key Focus Points Related SDGs
Open and Fair Governance
  • ・Appropriate information disclosure
  • ・Strengthen resilience
  • ・Strengthen information security
  • ・Enforce business ethics
  • 16.平和と公平をすべての人に
KPIs FY2023 Targets FY2023 Results FY2024 Targets FY2026 Targets 2030 Targets
Percentage of participation in compliance training (consolidated) 100% 94% 100% 100% 100%
Number of serious non-compliance incidents
  • None
  • Establish anti-bribery regulations and guidelines
  • None
  • Established EIZO Group Anti-Bribery Policy and Guidelines
None None None
Percentage of employees with information security training 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Number of serious information security incidents None None None None None
External assessment of ESG initiatives Achieving the high rating in CDP/EcoVadis/RBA VAP
  • CDP A List
  • EcoVadis Bronze
  • RBA Gold status(EIZO Corporation)
Achieve a higher rating in CDP/EcoVadis/RBA VAP certification Maintain high ESG ratings from external organizations Maintain high ESG ratings from external organizations