
Headshot profile

James Tan

Printing and Retouching
ColorEdge CG279X

James embarked on his printmaking journey with the introduction of the high-resolution inkjet printers in 1993. Following a successful career as a commercial photographer as well as a master retoucher, he came full circle back to printing in 2007. After being recognized internationally as the Master Photographers Association’s Fellow in Printmaking and subsequently a well-respected judge for professional photography accreditations and competitions alike, it became apparent to him that the print is the missing end point of photography that modern digital photographer neglected. Throughout his printmaking career, he has been the personal printmaker of numerous notable photographers and individuals, and because of his craft and meticulousness, is often entrusted to handle high stakes projects that require nothing less than perfect prints. This is where he relies on the precision of EIZO professional monitors to serve as the anchor in his color management workflow.

James now teaches photography, printmaking, and color management for various institutions and establishments internationally. He also produces exhibitions for artists, photographers, and other organizations. Having been invited to join the International Color Consortium as an independent member, James is one of the most sought-after cross-disciplinary consultants in the region regarding photography, digital imaging, printing process, display technology, exhibitions, and lighting analysis.

Case Study

“An EIZO monitor is the ultimate precision display instrument that entire imaging workflows hang on. Without a trustworthy display as an anchor, one will be subjected to shaky color guesswork and ultimately result in loss of time and resource.”

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